Rocket Man

So! I think Nate has allergies.

Shocking, I know. Where could he have gotten those?

Anyway, he isn’t very good at blowing his nose yet. This means that his sneezes are, shall we say, high output. Luckily, I already know a little something about allergies, so there is always a box or packet of Kleenex ready to hand.

Along with various potions and philtres, we are also trying a few anti-cat protocols. These primarily consist of putting clean laundry away, and spreading a towel over Nate’s bed and pillow before we go out.

Tonight when we got home, Nate went upstairs to get a toy. “Dad! I found a lump!” is not what I was expecting to hear. I followed him upstairs and discovered that Figaro had managed to crawl underneath the towel and was simultaneously sleeping and shedding on Nate’s comforter. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him look quite so pleased with himself.

5 thoughts on “Rocket Man

  1. Even though I knew that Figaro was under there, for some reason the way you wrote it almost made my orange juice come out my nose. Or maybe it was that Fig wasn’t under the covers, which I expected, but actually under the dang towel.

  2. Seriously, they refuse to lie in the things we buy specifically for them to lie in, and then they plop themselves all over the places we forbid. I mean, who do they think they are?! Oh, right. Cats.

    Dang Egyptians made the mistake of worshipping them and things haven’t been the same since.

  3. Oh, heavens! This made me remember my kitties!!! They are sooooo smug when they accomplish things like that, aren’t they?

    Linked to you from Mir… too funny, and I think I may be visiting more often. :-0

  4. Welcome, Rachel!

    Fig puts the “fur” in furniture, but I wouldn’t dream of trying to keep house without a cat.

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